SUNY Empire - Fall Kickoff 2022 Header Image

Submit your Event Registration Form today!

Paid for by your Student Activity Fee

This registration is for our Fall Student  Kick-Off event taking place on Tuesday, September 6 at several of our  college locations across the state from 5:00-7:00 p.m.

Registration is not required, but encouraged.

Personal Information

Primary College Affiliation*
Which college location will you be visiting on September 6?*
Are you bringing a guest(s)?*
School aged children could receive back-to school supplies
I do hereby fully and freely consent to the use, by SUNY Empire State College and/or its agents and assigns, of my photograph, picture, name, comments, testimonial and/or promotion of the college. I further consent to the use, by SUNY Empire and/or its agents and assigns, of my photograph, picture, name, comments, testimonial, and/or voice in any film, videotaping, recording, soundtrack and/or other mechanical means of recording picture and/or sound. I do hereby release and hold harmless SUNY Empire and/or its agents and assigns from any liability with regard to the above stated purposes arising out of said participation. I hereby grant to SUNY Empire and/or its agents and assigns the right to use, and to license other to use, my photograph, picture, name, comments, testimonials and/or voice to advertise and publicize the interest of SUNY Empire.*

Questions, please email